To access the platform you must agree to the term of use.

Terms of Use of the Spazio Italocam Latino America Platform

A - General Provisions for Platform Use:

  1. User registration for the platform will be carried out as follows:
    • Upon first accessing the Platform, the user may register for free, agreeing to our Privacy Policy (referenced at the end of this document). During this process, we may request information such as name, age, and email address.
    • The information provided during registration is essential to identify the user on the platform.
    • The user must be at least 18 years old and legally capable of using the platform.

1.1. The user must pay maximum attention during registration, as Spazio Italocam is not responsible for errors in the process, such as duplicated registrations or incorrect information.

1.2. It is strictly prohibited to create more than one account per individual, or to assume another user's identity without authorization. In both cases, Spazio Italocam reserves the right to block access without prior notice.

  1. Spazio Italocam will not accept user-submitted content that:
    • Violates Brazilian legislation, including copyright and/or intellectual property laws.
    • Contains pornographic, pedophilic, racist, violent, or otherwise offensive images, messages, or content.
    • Aims to commit fraud or promote illegal or immoral conduct.
    • Is produced without obtaining the necessary written consent of third parties who may have rights to the content.
    • Violates Brazilian electoral and party legislation, with the user being solely responsible for the content they provide, releasing Spazio Italocam from any liability arising from such violations.
  2. User-submitted content may be selected and used by Spazio Italocam at its discretion and without limitation. Spazio Italocam reserves the right to discard content, whether selected or not, at any time without prior notice.
  3. Spazio Italocam reserves the right to change any aspect of the platform, suspend, or cancel it at its discretion and at any time without prior notice.
  4. Spazio Italocam grants the user a license to access the platform, in which the user agrees to be responsible for all usage of the platform with their access data, which must not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances.
  5. Spazio Italocam disclaims any liability for damages caused by unauthorized access, interception, deletion, alteration, modification, or manipulation of files and communications transmitted through the platform by third parties.
  6. Spazio Italocam reserves the right to cancel or block user access at any time without prior notice if it is found that the user has violated federal, state, and/or municipal laws and regulations, this Agreement, or the principles of morality and good customs.
  7. By checking the "I Agree to the Terms" box, clicking the "accept" button, and posting content, the user accepts all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which shall govern the relationship between the Parties.

B - Content License:

  1. By posting content on social media for possible selection by Spazio Italocam, the user grants Spazio Italocam an unrestricted, irrevocable, and free license to use and fix the content on the platform and for other purposes provided in this Agreement.
  2. The user acknowledges that Spazio Italocam may freely dispose of the content without owing any remuneration to the user.

2.1. Spazio Italocam may use the content without limitation of time or number of times, without any remuneration to the user.

2.2. Spazio Italocam will not exploit proprietary content made available on the platform by institutional partners.

  1. The user declares and warrants that the content submitted complies with applicable laws and that all necessary authorizations for its publication have been obtained.
  2. All content bearing the Spazio Italocam logo is owned by Spazio Italocam, protected by copyright, and provided under license.
  3. The user declares to have read, understood, and agreed to the content and conditions of this Agreement.

C - User Conduct:

  1. When using the platform, the user must not:
    • Disclose illegal, offensive, violent content, or content that violates the privacy of third parties.
    • Infringe on the copyrights of third parties.
    • Spread viruses or malicious code.
    • Interfere with the architecture of the platform.
    • Use any elements of the platform for commercial or advertising purposes.
  2. Spazio Italocam may prevent the user from using the platform or any of its features if, in our opinion, the user violates any of these Terms.


D - General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD):

1.    The platform will process Personal Data solely for its intended purposes.

2.    The platform is expressly prohibited from processing Personal Data submitted by the USER or collected directly for purposes other than those stated, sharing such Personal Data with other companies or individuals, or using or processing data in a manner inconsistent with the LGPD or this Agreement.

3.    The platform shall be responsible for choosing and deciding on the means and tools for processing shared Personal Data, provided that such choice is compatible with the confidentiality, security, and adequacy requirements set forth in Article 6 of the LGPD, adopting the highest level of technological resources to prevent leaks or unauthorized access to Personal Data.

4.    The platform must keep a record of all processing operations carried out using the Personal Data shared by the USER, in accordance with Article 37 of the LGPD.

5.    If any processing is based solely on the consent of the data subject, in case of revocation of this consent, the USER shall immediately inform the platform of such fact, and the platform shall be responsible for implementing the USER's instruction regarding the processing of such Personal Data, which may range from modifying the processing method to completely deleting the data.

6.    The platform is prohibited from contracting Subprocessors for the processing of shared Personal Data.

7.    Without prejudice to any existing contractual agreements between the Parties, the platform shall treat all shared Personal Data as confidential and shall inform all its employees and/or agents involved in the processing of Personal Data about the confidential nature of the data.

8.    The platform ensures that all its employees, third-party service providers, or any other person or party who comes into contact with the shared Personal Data signs an appropriate confidentiality agreement or has confidentiality clauses in their contracts to protect the shared Personal Data.

9.    Considering the nature, scope, context, and purposes of data processing, as well as the varying likelihood and severity of risks to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the platform declares that it has adequate technical and organizational measures, such as backups and firewalls, to ensure the security of the processing of Personal Data corresponding to the risk, in order to prevent leakage or unauthorized access to shared data and to promptly recover files and services in case of incidents.

10. The platform declares that it has fully implemented and applicable data security and protection policies for the processing of Personal Data. Such policies include internal responsibility for information security management, the allocation of appropriate personal resources to information security, ongoing security checks, the requirement that employees, suppliers, and others with access to Personal Data sign confidentiality terms, and the provision of training to make employees and others with access to Personal Data aware of the security risks associated with the information presented for processing, in accordance with the LGPD.

11. At any time, the USER may request the platform to demonstrate the security measures adopted to protect the shared data, which may audit and test such measures, and may have access to documents, facilities, or devices involved in the processing of the shared data.

12. Considering that security requirements are constantly changing and that effective security requires frequent evaluation and regular improvements, the platform undertakes to maintain continuous security update measures to ensure the protection and integrity of the shared data.

13. Upon termination of this Service Agreement, the platform shall, at the USER's discretion, delete and/or return all Personal Data to the USER and destroy or return any existing copies on its servers or backups.

14. After the deletion of data is requested, the platform shall prove to the USER that it has deleted or returned all shared databases and shall sign the deletion or encryption commitment. From that date onwards, the platform shall be fully responsible for any improper or unauthorized use of the said database.

15. The platform shall take all necessary measures to absolve the USER from any administrative or judicial actions or claims by third parties involving the USER arising from the violation of this Data Processing Agreement and/or the General Data Protection Law caused by the platform.

E - Help:

If you have any questions or issues related to the Platform, please contact us via email at

F - Abuse Reporting:

The best way to report abusive or suspicious content on Spazio Italocam is to report it through the platform's email channel. Our team will review the content you report and ensure that the environment remains safe. The deadline for handling reports will be 2 business days.

G - Cookie Policy:

Cookies are files that contain small amounts of information and are downloaded to any device that uses the Internet – such as your computer, smartphone, or tablet – when visiting a website.


We use cookies to facilitate navigation on our platform, in order to improve our services, considering your needs.

Preencha corretamente o formulário abaixo para solicitar a liberação da sua campanha na plataforma "Universo Campanhas". No campo descrição adicione as informações referentes à campanha, tais como quantidade de fotos a ser enviada, dados dos promotores a serem preenchidos ao anexar as fotos, data de início e término da campanha. Após o envio do formulário de solicitação, aguarde o retorno via e-mail da equipe, confirmando a liberação da campanha.
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